Living in Interesting Times

The Plague in Rome, Jules-Elie Delaunay (1828-1891), Oil on wood
Some spiritualists say the humankind have been living in a bubble of denial and false comfort for so long - more then never I tend to agree with them! Jumping from one capsule to another (from houses to cars, from cars to offices and shopping malls), we've been living behind screens, and yet people call this civilisations!

While history repeats itself, it seems that not many lessons were learned from the previous events, as the Avian flu, the Spanish flu nor the Black Death, and Mother Nature is claiming back the damages - again!

The unusual events we are facing are supported by a Chinese curse which says "May you live in interesting times", suggesting that uninteresting times are better to live! It might be better to be a dog in days of peace than a human in times of war! Fights over toilet paper are ugly enough, and I'd like to believe we would not witness fights over food, but unfortunately I'm not so sure, seen the way the world goes!

Yet to be remembered, that Chinese curse comes along with another 2, making a trilogy. They go as "May you be recognized by people in high places", which advises to be discrete and not to bring attention to yourself, let alone the "celebrity world", a curse in itself; and "May you find what you’re looking for", warning us to be careful about our wishes and desires, as the apparel often proclaims the man.

In a certain way, we humans are the Coronavirus of the planet! When this pandemic has passed, the big challenge will be to not find another one, as the human race tends to put their own interest before anything else - and each individual before anybody else!

The call is for love and solidarity, calm and stillness. Together, as One, we will survive, and hopefully the world will not be the same...