Second Chances

There is an old song from a Brazilian composer called Walter Franco, which I
confess I didn't pay the right attention when I first listened to it. As
everything in life, when you give a second chance, enlightened by the wisdom
that a few more years might luckily shone over you, you see things

It happened to me with my grandmother proverbs - mindful, deeply wisdom - which
I came to understand after she passed away. With my mother was different, I was
lucky to understand her while she was alive. Although it doesn't change how much
I miss her, it did change the way I miss her, which I believe is more

Losing someone you love is always painful. Parents losing children brings that
feeling to another level: it's just not natural! Nobody says it's easy. Nobody
says you'll get there. It's a journey, and your toil is to accept and live your
life fully, for yourself and for the ones still here.

But back to that old song... it goes like this (free translation by myself):

It's all about keeping / A still mind / An upright spine / And an open

And once I'm here, another Franco's song says:

Open your arms / With a sigh, profound / And drop all the harms / Holding
you to the ground

Giving these old songs a second chance made me realise how deep their message
are! Perfect for Christmas and New Year's time reflection!

We all can give people and things another chance. Rekindle an old friendship,
rescue that old sweater not too outdated from the bottom of the drawer - no need
to buy another one!

Little things like that might turn into an edifying experience!